Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote “on Death and Dying” which outlined the five stages of death. As a medical school instructor, she invited terminally ill patients and their families to address her students. She advocated for better end of life care in Congress, and travelled the world to promote hospice care. She is credited with starting over 50 hospice programs. Her research on the topic of death and dying has shaped the field of medicine, psychology, social work and more.
Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote “on Death and Dying” which outlined the five stages of death. As a medical school instructor, she invited terminally ill patients and their families to address her students. She advocated for better end of life care in Congress, and travelled the world to promote hospice care. She is credited with starting over 50 hospice programs. Her research on the topic of death and dying has shaped the field of medicine, psychology, social work and more.
Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote “on Death and Dying” which outlined the five stages of death. As a medical school instructor, she invited terminally ill patients and their families to address her students. She advocated for better end of life care in Congress, and travelled the world to promote hospice care. She is credited with starting over 50 hospice programs. Her research on the topic of death and dying has shaped the field of medicine, psychology, social work and more.